There are several different types of car keys across numerous makes and models. Toyota, Ford, Chevrolet, and other major vehicle brands have all sorts of different car key types. Many of their designs vary from the last, while their technologies are relatively similar. That said, ASAP Locksmith is capable of helping drivers with any type of car key.
With so many types of car keys out there, it is important for our team to have the capacity to replace them when necessary. Modern car keys are costly, especially if you go to the dealership. We can cut the costs and get them to you faster. All you have to do is give us a call.
Of course, you need to know what types of car keys we can service. Well, here are the car keys we can replace or duplicate:
Traditional Car Keys
As the oldest car key type, traditional car keys are not used anymore. Car enthusiasts are some of the only people who may have a traditional car key. When it comes to car shows, older vehicles typically need to be as original as possible, including the key, to be considered. Depending on the make, model, and year of your vehicle, ASAP Locksmith may not be able to produce a key for your car since some are too old or are no longer manufactured.
Traditional car keys are far and few between when it comes to replacements. Many collectors and enthusiasts need to visit a specialized business to get a replacement key. Traditional car keys were slowly phased out due to newer technologies. Eventually, the transponder key took its place as the most common type of key.
Transponder Key
Transponder keys were invented and implemented to reduce automotive thefts in the United States. The technology was successful. Since its implementation, transponder keys have become the dominant type of car key in the industry. The technology behind the transponder key has been used in other types of car keys and has paved the way toward newer technologies in car keys.
Transponder keys were able to reduce automotive thefts based on their chip key technology. A chip is located in the head of the key. It communicates with a receiver within the vehicle. Once the receiver verifies the signal transmitted, it removes the ignition lock so the key can turn. This technology is used in other types of car keys like the remote head key and switchblade key.
Remote Head Key
The remote head key is very similar to the transponder key in terms of the technology behind it. The only difference is the few buttons located in the head of the key. The buttons act as a key fob where you can control your car’s locks, alarm, and trunk. These buttons are typically found on a fob and paired with a transponder key. However, the remote head key combines these two elements.
Switchblade Key
The switchblade key resembles the remote head key more than the transponder key. It has buttons located on the head. The only difference is the key folds up into the head like that of a switchblade. Because of this feature, the key has gained the reputation of the switchblade key. The same technology used in transponder keys is used in this type of car key.
Smart Key
Smart keys do not use the same technology as transponder keys, but it does work similarly. A smart key typically has a wide range of settings based on the drive, such as mirror positions, seat position, steering wheel height, and more. Often, smart keys do not have key blades since the vehicle uses a push button to start the vehicle.
As one of the latest types of car keys, the smart key offers exceptional convenience for drivers. The key works by a set of built-in antennas in the vehicle. Once they detect the presence of the smart key, they allow the driver to enter the vehicle and start it. When approaching the vehicle, the key will unlock the car door or lock them when walking away. The features included in a smart key are extremely beneficial for the driver.
Types of Car Keys Replaced by ASAP Locksmith
ASAP Locksmith is happy to offer replacements for most types of car keys. If you are unsure if we can service your car key, give us a call. We’ll ask you a few questions regarding the make, model, and year of your vehicle. From there, our technicians can provide you with an accurate answer about your car key. More than likely, we can provide you with a replacement.
With that said, give ASAP Locksmith a call at (850) 400-6494 or visit our car locksmith page to learn more about our services. A technician will talk to you about your car key replacement or car lockout service. Afterward, we’ll assist you with the locksmith services you need!